My Pledge to Incline Village and Crystal Bay
For the past seventeen years, Judge Tiras has served Incline Village and Crystal Bay as a tireless leader, contributing member of society, and fair and equitable judicial officer. Upon learning of his decision to retire, I did not take the decision to run for the bench lightly. I know that I would have huge shoes to fill and am committed to doing everything in my power to continue to serve my community with the same level of integrity, compassion, and fairness that Judge Tiras brings to the courtroom. If elected to serve as our next judge, I pledge to do my best to maintain an environment that is accessible and welcoming to all, to put in the time and effort required to deliver thoughtful and fair decisions, and to ensure that everybody walks away from the courthouse understanding what has happened and how to move forward.
I pledge to serve with honesty and an unwavering commitment to hand down fair and just decisions.
I pledge to serve our community members, court staff, and others with the utmost respect at all times.
I pledge to maintain neutrality in the face of differing litigants, participants, and ways of thinking.
I pledge to treat others equally, regardless of race, gender, background, or beliefs.
I pledge to remain always compassionate to those who appear before me.
I pledge to remain humble, always open to learning from others and continuing to grow.